Archives June 2023

How to Stop a Gambling Addiction

How to Stop a Gambling Addiction
Many people with a gambling disorder think it’s impossible to quit, but there are
steps you can take to start getting control of your problem. You’ll need to stick with
your treatment plan online slot games singapore, seek help from friends and family and find ways to distract
yourself from the urge to gamble. Fortunately, there are many resources available
online that can help you get started.

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It’s important to recognise that it is not easy to quit gambling, and you may relapse
from time to time. However, remember that this does not mean you are a failure.
Instead, it is a normal part of the recovery process Whenever you relapse, reflect on
what caused the lapse and try to learn from your mistakes. For example, if you were
around friends who also gambled and it was difficult to resist temptation, it is worth
finding alternative socialising activities that will be more beneficial.
The most effective way to stop gambling is to prevent it in the first place. This
means avoiding high-risk situations and reducing the chances of gambling by
putting money in better uses, such as paying for meals or using cash to buy gifts for
loved ones. It’s also a good idea to talk about gambling with somebody you trust,
such as a trusted friend or professional counsellor. It can help to release some of the
stress associated with the behaviour and reduce feelings of guilt or shame.
To help you avoid triggers, it’s a good idea to keep a gambling diary. Write down the
type of gambling, the amount of time spent and any money lost. Also, record any
thoughts and feelings that led to the gambling session. This will help you identify
what causes gambling cravings so that you can avoid them in the future.

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Another great way to combat a gambling addiction is by engaging in healthy habits,

such as exercising and eating healthily. You should also make an effort to re-
establish old hobbies. If you used to enjoy art, for example, consider picking it up

again. This can be a positive and rewarding activity that will help you feel productive
and give your life a sense of structure.
You can also use your spare time to practice relaxation exercises or spend it with
friends and family. Spending time with others can make you feel loved and
supported, which can bolster your resolve to avoid gambling. Alternatively, you can
participate in hobbies like gardening or reading that provide an outlet for creativity
and will allow you to focus on something other than yourself.
If you are concerned that you might not be able to afford professional help, don’t let
this discourage you. Many specialists in gambling addiction accept health insurance,
and those who do not work on a fee-for-service basis often work on a sliding scale.
Also, you can always contact your insurer to ask for a list of in-network resources
that are affordable for you. In addition, online chat services such as Talkspace can
help you find a therapist who will fit your budget.…